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The Blackthorne School

The Blackthorne School is a diverse and eldritch school for witches, sorcerers, and folk magic practitioners. We seek to give you a great gift: the gift of solid, evocative, life-changing instruction in your esoteric practice. This is a school where form meets function, where mystic experience goes hand in hand with modern life and all of its demands. What sorts of practices can be the catalyst for deep transformation, for directly connecting with the spirits, for remarkably and undeniably empowering you as a practitioner? Those are exactly the sorts of practices that our group of wise instructors teach at The Blackthorne School.

Topics some of our courses include are:

  • Beginning to advanced spirit work

  • The Magical Greek Papyri

  • Ceremonial praxis with the Shem angels

  • Ancient methods of divination such as scrying

  • Building and supercharging your practice in traditional witchcraft

  • Rootwork and Hoodoo; becoming a somatically embodied sorcerer

  • Historically based practices in premodern British sorcery

  • Working with ageless spirits such as Hekate

  • So much more!


Thank you for your interest in our work and school. May you find whatever it is you are looking for and so much more. +  

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