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Hoodoo Hacker’s Guide to Survival

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  • 26 Participants


Most of us, if we live long enough, will have a period of time we are down on our luck and going through hard times financially. This is a part of life, but poverty is not meant to be a permanent state for anyone. Having established spiritual traditions and related tools to get us through these times can be good. But some practitioners do not have the tradition or tools that can adequately adapt to significant life changes with an eye toward simplicity. Hoodoo very much does! So I invite you to take this mini course and learn how to survive and eventually thrive, using historic methods to get your life back on track. About the Author Rev. Dr. Aaron Davis is a native son of Albany, NY. Rev. Dr. Aaron has been called to Christian ministry since 1996. Also during this time, the call of his ancestors grew. His Christian faith began to feel incomplete, only acknowledging the role of the saints once a year. This began another spiritual journey. He eventually found his ancestral home in the African Derived Tradition of Lucumi and related practice of Espiritismo. These traditions made the real ancestral connection and also taught a healthy reverence for all the forces of nature known as Orisha. Life took a new meaning as he learned about his ancestors and spiritual birthright. One birthright was discovering that Hoodoo was in his blood. Working the works gives Dea joy, purpose a sense of fulfillment as people attain relief from their conditions. Finally, by prayer, laying on of hands and calling the Holy Spirit, Rev. Dr. Aaron was made Bishop of The Renewal Church (TRC). He also began to discern, leading up to his consecration, the presence of a Cyprianic spirit in the lineage of Cyprian of Antioch. The Rev. Dr. also studies the Solomonic and Greek Magical Papryi traditions.

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