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Rev Dr Aaron Davis

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Join date: Jan 23, 2025


The Reverend Dr. Aaron Davis is a native son of Albany, New York. He has been supporting the Christian ministry since 1996, and it was also during this time that he recognized the call from his ancestors growing louder.

This led to discovering his ancestral home in the African-derived tradition of Lucumi and related practice of Espiritismo. These traditions established the ancestral connection and also taught a healthy reverence for all the forces of nature known as Orisha for The Reverend Dr. Aaron Davis. Life took on a new meaning, as he learned about his ancestors and spiritual birthright. Hoodoo is in his blood. For over 17 years, Aaron has found joyful fulfillment in working the roots while helping others.

By prayer, laying on of hands, and calling the Holy Spirit, The Reverend Dr. Aaron Davis was made Bishop of The Renewal Church (TRC). During consecration, he recognized the Cyprianic spirit in the lineage of Cyprian of Antioch was omnipresent.

He is also a passionate student of the Solomonic and Greek Magical Papryi traditions.

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