by Harper Feist

As priestess, I lay your strong body in the furrow
I fold your legs into a fetal position
The old stag of the year, come and gone
The longest night has begun, our greatest work
You cast your glance up into my green eyes
your brown ones already beginning to cloud over
As priestess, I gently stroke your forehead as you go
your breath becomes ragged
Briefly, you struggle
as you do every year
to take that one last breath
And then, it’s over
you lay in my arms, body still and cooling
Shaggy antlered head resting in my lap
I sing slowly to your empty physical form
It stops my heart to feel you rigid
I weep, as I do each time
As priestess, I wait, and deeper, so do you
There is blue in the east when I strengthen my song
Winds pushing the savage red clouds on the horizon
Ice has formed on your coat
But when the first rays of sun race over the horizon
As priestess, I kiss you
and then
your body twitches
first a hoof, then your nostrils
and you take the first deep and resonant breath
of the new year
Your deep eyes flutter open
I kiss you again
your hooves push against the dirt
my hands flat on your powerful body
your enormous heart pounding under my palms
and you are
full of life once again.